I sit in church or religious class and struggle to understand what is being taught and preached. I realize a few other people are struggling too. The meeting ends and we are satisfied with having appeared. Somehow in my mind, I decided that only a few people can ever learn and understand certain things. But this is not right. I read scholars’ articles on very serious issues, the vocabulary is deep, the language is way above the average member of the church. My mind wonders and struggles with, how can this be simplified for everybody? God’s word cannot be a preserve of only a few people. So at some point in my life, I resolved that it is my mission to make things simpler so that even the least educated and youngest child can understand the word of God. Apart from my love for grey colors, traveling, and eating chapati, I have a passion for teaching, preaching, and simplifying everything for those I address. My continuous worry, always is, was it simple enough for everybody?
Currently I am a Founding Principal of the Proposed University College of UEAB (Adventist University of Kenya – Kamagambo). Previously I served as an Associate Professor in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Eastern Africa, Baraton (UEAB). I have also been a Deputy Vice-Chancellor at UEAB, Special Assistant to the VC at UEAB, University Chaplain at UEAB, Dean of Men and Associate Chaplain.
I am an award winning author of books which include – Nuggets to Live By and Building Blocks for Life Book 1