“Same question by different Bible writers, why do the wicked prosper? Why are Dictators living longer than good politicians? Murderers don’t seem to suffer cancer and die. They don’t get misfortune. Why?…Criminals are thriving, but why? They live in best …
Rei Kesis Articles.
“If you are in the streets of life looking for a marriage partner…If you are in the streets of life looking for good health. If you are in the streets of life looking for happiness…If you are in the streets …
“Are you weak, our majestic God can use you to do great things. Do you feel unqualified? God will do things through you that the qualified can’t do. In His majesty, our God takes care of our deficiencies so that …
“Start low. Start small. Start insignificantly. If that is all you got, start anyway. The start may be a shameful one because it is the opposite of the desired future, but start anyway. The future will be better than your …
“Worship is responsive. Passive listening is not acceptable nor welcome…We respond in worship by saying “Amen!” We respond in worship by giving tithes and offerings. We respond by kneeling in prayer or standing. We respond by indicating that we are …
“It is wrong to have bodyguards for show off. It is wrong to have bodyguards as a way of matching worldly standards of leaders…A church worker does not get power and respect from show of security force and opulence. Such …
“The gracious hand of God provides. The gracious hand of God protects. The gracious hand of God is all that we need today. May the gracious hand of our God be with you and me today, in Jesus’s name, Amen!”
“Solomon had wisdom from God. Any leader who is faithful to God, will get wisdom from God…Solomon didn’t achieve everything in the first a hundred days or first year. These things took twenty years. Leaders need time. Don’t forget, dear …