“Physically walk away or keep silent…You are accountable to God for everything you post online … On social media, you can stop contributing to the discussion. On social media you can exit the group. On social media you can ensure …
“As we go through the day, you may need to be silent in some matters… Many holier than thou persons focus on others but hardly reflect on themselves... When God confronted Cain after he killed his brother, He didn’t rub …
“What can a brand new convert preach? What can a man who hasn’t spent a full day with Jesus preach? What can a man who hasn’t heard the teachings of Jesus preach? … Can’t you preach this sermon? Who can’t …
“Live like someone who knows that your current secrets will be aired for public consumption…Are you doing things hoping to never get caught? Using contraceptives. Procuring abortion. Stealing money…Do you seat in secret meetings and plan to harm others?…”
“Unless we are humble enough to listen, God’s word will be a blessing to others but not to us. Others will be blessed after reading or listening but we go cursed and worse off. Worship will be a place of …
“Everyone who ever served God faithfully and in outstanding ways, had to abandon their own agenda and priorities and take up what God gave. Jeremiah had to abandon childhood and even marriage. Jonah had to abandon comfort and go where …
“…What about you? Who do you say I am? In other words, I hope you have not been influenced by what people say. Don’t be influenced by the crowd, verify the truth for yourself and stand by it. Know what …
“There could be many factors to longevity and fertility, but one critical one is a restored relationship with God. To have longevity in your family or community is a privilege given to those who have a good relationship with God. …
“When we engage in illicit sex in church offices, at worship grounds where a group is boarding for some days, aren’t we sinning at the altar? When we steal church money, aren’t we sinning at the altar? When we plot …