Rei Kesis Articles.
“Live like someone who knows that your current secrets will be aired for public consumption…Are you doing things hoping to never get caught? Using contraceptives. Procuring abortion. Stealing money…Do you seat in secret meetings and plan to harm others?…”
“Everyone who ever served God faithfully and in outstanding ways, had to abandon their own agenda and priorities and take up what God gave. Jeremiah had to abandon childhood and even marriage. Jonah had to abandon comfort and go where …
“..,That means when someone dies, God hasn’t failed to keep the person alive…The atheists did not kill Jesus…Good, religious, spiritual people are in danger of getting lost. Examine yourself prayerfully! You could be worse than demons in your righteousness!”
“…What about you? Who do you say I am? In other words, I hope you have not been influenced by what people say. Don’t be influenced by the crowd, verify the truth for yourself and stand by it. Know what …
“An inward drive to achieve a goal is stronger when you keep your plans secret. The moment you announce your plans, the inward drive weakens or even dies. Secret of achievement is to only talk about results and not plans. …
“Jesus asks them, if with a very small meal I fed everyone and we even had many baskets of food remaining, are you still worried that we only have one loaf of bread? Did you miss the lesson that miracle …