1 Kings 8:49 – then from heaven, your dwelling place, hear their prayer and their plea, and uphold their cause.(NIV)
1 Kings 8:49 – Listen from your home in heaven to their prayers desperate and devout and do what is best for them (Message Bible)
Uphold their cause means do what is best for them. Uphold their cause means give them support where they need. Uphold their cause means do not allow them to fail or be hurt. Uphold their cause May also mean fight on their side and defend them so that they don’t get defeated.
King Solomon prays that when Israelites sin and they are taken captivity, they may repent. Solomon prays that when they genuinely repent and seek God’s help, then God should uphold their cause. Isn’t that a good prayer?
When they begin a spiritual reformation of their life it won’t be easy. From secular living to being focused on spiritual things it will be hard. On their own they may not succeed. May God uphold their cause!
When they are struggling with secret sin and the addiction refuses to go. When they are ashamed of themselves and find it even difficult to serve God. As they struggle with these secret sins, Solomon makes this prayer. May God uphold their cause!
They may be addicts of alcohol. Addicts of marijuana. Addicts of tobacco. Addicts of hard drugs and even intoxicating legal drugs. As they struggle helplessly sliding back, may the prayer of Solomon be answered for them. May God uphold their cause!
They may be addicts of pornography. Addicts of masturbation. Addicts of sexual promiscuity. They struggle but remain stranded and they genuinely seek God’s help to be set free. May God uphold their cause towards freedom!
They may be having anger issues. They may be having careless speech that hurts others. They may be struggling with a habit that has alienated them from society. In their genuine struggle, we make this prayer to God. Uphold their cause!
They may be struggling to make ends meet. As they struggle and pray to God, may their prayers and this prayer be answered. Uphold their cause!
When they have a project they are working on and earnestly pray about it, dear God listen from heaven. In spite of all challenges, help them. Uphold their cause!
There are many things that we struggle with. We sometimes struggle because we are sinners being punished. Sometimes we struggle because we are incompetent. Sometimes we struggle because the evil one and his agents are acting against us. Sometimes we struggle because the assignment or issue isn’t an easy one. These struggles drain us, but God can intervene when we genuinely repent and seek Him. May God uphold our cause in all that we do, in Jesus’ name, Amen!
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Amen..Dear Uphold our cause..
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King David was blessed for considering to build the temple for God. Be blessed for considering to support us!
lord uphold our cause amen