Luke 8:17 (NIV) – For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
The Bible quotes the words of Jesus. He tells us that a time is soon coming when there will be no secret among human beings. God will end secrecy by exposing everything. All hidden things will be disclosed. All that has been concealed will be known. End of secrecy is coming, mind your secrets!
You know how we behave when we know we are on live TV? That is how we should behave because everything we do will be disclosed. Conduct yourself as a person on live TV and the world watching. End of secrecy is coming, mind your secrets!
Conduct yourself in public and private like a person recording a documentary soon to be aired. God has promised that alls secrets are being recorded for airing. Every hidden thing is being recorded for airing. God who has access to all recordings of our lives will expose all secrets. End of secrecy is coming, mind your secrets!
God has angels escorting us wherever we go and ever present in our lives. Angels record our thoughts, our words spoken publicly and secretly, and our public and secret actions. The records are in heaven. God who owns the records has promised that He will orchestrate events so that all secrets will be exposed. End of secrecy is coming, mind your secrets!
The expose of secrets will be done before judgment and during judgment and even after judgment. Before judgment, God causes hidden secrets to be exposed in the hope of correcting the sinner or punishing their wrong doing, or warning others that God is watching, knows and will act against evil. End of secrecy is coming, mind your secrets!
Ecclesiastes 12:14 (NIV) – For God will bring every deed into judgment,
including every hidden thing,
whether it is good or evil.
During judgment, God has promised to expose all secrets or hidden things that have not been repented. By repentance, all our hidden actions are covered and deleted by the blood of Jesus. Without repentance of sin, we would suffer humiliation when secrets are exposed. The best time to repent is now. End of secrecy is coming, mind your secrets!
“For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether good or evil.” God not human beings. God who can’t be bribed. God who isn’t biased. God who keeps His promises. This same God has promised to end secrecy very soon and finally during judgment. Are you ready for secrets you hope no one knows to get exposed? End of secrecy is coming, mind your secrets!
God exposed Achan as the man whose sins had brought disaster to Israelites. It was a secret they fearfully kept as a family, but God exposed him. God who exposed Achan promised to exposes everybody else. End of secrecy is coming, mind your secrets!
When Saul was chosen as a king, he was shy and ran to hide. God exposed him. The same God promises to expose all secrets very soon. End of secrecy is coming, mind your secrets!
Do you seat in secret meetings and plan to harm others? Have you secretly paid people to kill others? End of secrecy is coming, mind your secrets!
Are you visiting witches and witch doctors in secret? Are you leading a double life as a Christian and pleasure lover? End of secrecy is coming, mind your secrets!
Are you doing things hoping to never get caught? Using contraceptives. Procuring abortion. Stealing money from the church or people or organizations. End of secrecy is coming, mind your secrets!
Do you secretly abuse your partner? Do you publicly present a cool marriage image while secretly cause heartache and suffering to each other? Do you abuse domestic workers, orphans in our care, and threaten them with dire consequences if they expose you? End of secrecy is coming, mind your secrets!
Are you feared at work? Do you terrorize people? Are people shedding tears because of you? End of secrecy is coming, mind your secrets!
Do you have a secret pseudo account from which you hurt the feelings of others and no one has figured out it’s you? The Bible forbids us from revenge or harming those who harm us. Your online attacks on those you don’t like are not justified. You may operate secretly and never be caught, but take note. End of secrecy is coming, mind your secrets!
Live like someone who knows that your current secrets will be aired for public consumption. Write texts that will be read publicly. Make phone calls that will be aired publicly. Make sure your secrets are fit for public consumption. End of secrecy is coming, mind your secrets!
Talk about people consciously knowing the conversation will be publicly scrutinized. Remove any false thoughts that make you feel you have successfully hidden a matter. David thought the Uriah and Bathsheba matter had been properly concealed. Then Nathan the prophet appeared and David discovered that no secret is sustainable. End of secrecy is coming, mind your secrets!
When you get an income, return tithes and offerings like someone who knows it will be subject to divine and public scrutiny. Ananias and Saphira forgot that secrets will be exposed. They tried hiding their true income and they died for that. End of secrecy is coming, mind your secrets!
May God help us to mind our secrets and live proper lives to His glory. Mind your secret actions. Mind your secret words. Mind your secret thoughts. In Jesus’s name, Amen!
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