“For those considering marriage currently, are your spouses to be belonging to the Lord? Does your male friend belong to the Lord? Does your female friend belong to the Lord? If they don’t belong to the Lord, how will you …
Rei Kesis Articles.
“Finally in this chapter is the family of Asher. This family had a combination of everything good happening to them. They were known as heads of families, they were known as choice men. Outstanding unique, sought after, that is choice …
“When God gives daughters and not sons or the reverse, He is wise trust Him. When God lets sons or daughters rest in death and one gender remains, He knows best, trust Him. Ephraim mourned…”
Bad parenting leads to poor adults and regretting senior citizens. Bad adults lead to bad marriages. Bad adults lead to poor leaders and society. Regretting senior citizens, bad marriages, bad leaders, and a bad society are a recipe for unprecedented …
From this situation, we learn that before marriage you are unmarried. Even if you have dated, courted, engaged and dowry has been paid, you should not engage in sexual activity until marriage is officially declared. This being the circumstance, God …