John 8:16-18 (NIV) – 16 But if I do judge, my decisions are true, because I am not alone. I stand with the Father, who sent me. 17 In your own Law it is written that the testimony of two witnesses is true. 18 I am one who testifies for myself; my other witness is the Father, who sent me.”
God is greater than us in every way. We can’t understand God the way we understand ourselves. We can’t understand God the way we understand each other. We can’t understand God the way He understands us.
We are limited and God is unlimited. We are finite and God is infinite. Even if we were exposed to all the knowledge of God, we would not be able to comprehend it because it would overwhelm us. It is like we have a five liter capacity and God is a hundred million container. We can’t handle all about God. Therefore we relate to God by what He has revealed in the Bible and by faith.
We can never find God unless He reveals Himself to us. Therefore we relate to what He has revealed in the Bible. Since there is much more He hasn’t revealed and even if He did it would overwhelm us, we accept by faith that even what we don’t know is true and real. Without faith it is impossible to please God or even relate with God!
We must believe without seeing. We must believe without fully understanding. We must believe that what He says is true.
God operates on a realm that is totally different from ours. He is not bound by time, we are bound by time. That means He has no beginning and no end, yet we have a beginning and an end. We must have a form, He doesn’t need to have a form. We are limited in location, He is everywhere. Therefore to asses God using our limitations is heretic, disrespectful and unacceptable in this faith relationship.
When God says that there is one God, we believe. When He says there is God the Father and God the Son and God the Spirit, we still believe. How the three become one yet distinct requires faith. We can’t insist on understanding. A study of the Bible has two conclusions. First we only have one God. Secondly the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct and different, but one!
When husband and wife get married, the Bible says the two shall become one. They are no longer two but one. We keep interacting with two distinct persons namely husband and wife, but we also believe that when God says they are one, that they are one. We may not have human understandable perception of their oneness, but by faith we believe that the two are one.
There is sufficient scriptural evidence that God is one. There is also scriptural evidence that God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit are distinct and different. The three distinct are one. We accept it by faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God!
Deuteronomy 6:4 (NIV) – Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.
We have one God the Bible tells us. We do not have three gods. The three – Father, Son and Holy Spirit, are one because God says so and not because it makes sense to us. We can’t fully understand God. We accept what the Bible tells us by faith! Without faith it is impossible to please God. By faith the two, husband and wife are actually one. It doesn’t make physical mathematical sense to us but because God has said so, we accept it by faith!
John 8:16-18 (NIV) – 16 But if I do judge, my decisions are true, because I am not alone. I stand with the Father, who sent me. 17 In your own Law it is written that the testimony of two witnesses is true. 18 I am one who testifies for myself; my other witness is the Father, who sent me.”
There is God the Father who did the sending. There is God the Son who was sent. There is God the Son speaking in this text and He talks of God the Father who is the other witness. The language of distinctness is very clear in this text. There is a God the Father. There is a God the Son. Two very distinct and different. Yet we have one God. Without faith it is impossible to please God nor even understand Him.
Our focus today was on distinctness of the Father and Son, yet they are one. We have not focused on God the Holy Spirit who is also distinct. We have not focused on the fact that they are equal to each other in every sense. We have not focused on why the Bible uses language of one sending the other and another one being Son and another one Father. Those pertinent issues have been discussed by this author in many other online forums. Let it suffice for this short article to focus on distinctness and difference of the Father and Son, yet they are one!
To understand God, and everything about our lives as He planned, read the Bible to know what He has revealed. Then have faith when something is beyond your capacity to comprehend. Know the revealed and have faith! In Jesus’s name, Amen!
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Amen and Amen.
This one is so powerful Pastor
Amen, ours is to believe and. that’s all!
Without faith…
Thank you prof. for this wonderful exposition.
Glory to Jesus!