“As we go through the day, you may need to be silent in some matters… Many holier than thou persons focus on others but hardly reflect on themselves... When God confronted Cain after he killed his brother, He didn’t rub …
“Are you praying for something you think it’s too late to do anything about? Would it be safe therefore if Jesus said, let it be done as you believe? Are you praying for a patient to recover and you also …
“A trivial matter will not be preached against. A trivial matter will not be taken seriously. A trivial matter will not be repented. Unrepented matters will never be forgiven. Sins not forgiven will drive us to hell. It all started …
“He listens attentively so that He doesn’t miss it incase you say it indirectly. He listens attentively so that He doesn’t miss it when you insinuate. He listens attentively so that if you speak it out quickly in a very …
“We all need mercy at some point in life. We may beg someone to show us mercy and the more we beg the more they cause us to suffer, because they enjoy our suffering. We may deserve the suffering, but …
“This is not creating an excuse to continue sinning. This is not to make the sinning problem lighter. In fact this makes the problem worse than we ever thought. All of us are sinners and helplessly so. Even those of …
“Apostle Paul admitted that he was married to a rebel. The good he wanted to do, he couldn’t do. The wrong he didn’t want to do, he did. Then he asks, who will save me? Then he says only…”
“What an assurance! God is emphatic and speaks with finality. That whatever was to happen is hereby cancelled. The plan has changed it will not happen!”