“There could be many factors to longevity and fertility, but one critical one is a restored relationship with God. To have longevity in your family or community is a privilege given to those who have a good relationship with God. …
“Same question by different Bible writers, why do the wicked prosper? Why are Dictators living longer than good politicians? Murderers don’t seem to suffer cancer and die. They don’t get misfortune. Why?…Criminals are thriving, but why? They live in best …
“If you are in the streets of life looking for a marriage partner…If you are in the streets of life looking for good health. If you are in the streets of life looking for happiness…If you are in the streets …
“Solomon had wisdom from God. Any leader who is faithful to God, will get wisdom from God…Solomon didn’t achieve everything in the first a hundred days or first year. These things took twenty years. Leaders need time. Don’t forget, dear …
“If relief destroys your faith, it means you never had that faith. It means your are playing or misusing God hoping when you get relief you will run away. It never works that way!”
“Ezekiel chapter seven begins with a heavy reference to YOUR CONDUCT. Ezekiel chapter seven ends with a reference to THEIR CONDUCT. Isn’t that enough for you to be interested in YOUR CONDUCT?”
“May God forgive us and save us from being stingy and selfish. May God forgive us for giving too much according to the poor congregation but too little in relation to our ability. May we always remember that God knows …