To Please God Wear This Dress Daily

Prof. Rei Kesis is an ordained Pastor of the SDA Church and An Associate Professor of Applied Theology and Religious Studies. College Principal. An Award-Winning Author, Prolific blogger, Content Creator at YouTube, TikTok, etc., and an Endorsed Chaplain.

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  1. Dear God, teach me humility.
    Forgive my pride, open, and subtle pride.
    May my dress be proper and for the glory of Your name. Above all else, may I always dress in humility, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

  2. Thanks Dr. Kindly repsond to this. Would be there a situation where you are clean from within your heart but you dressing is otherwise?

    1. You are right chief! The humility that dresses us must be born from within, or else it is hypocrisy…

  3. Amen, may humility cover us and render our daily service acceptable before fellow men and before our God.

  4. Amen 🙏

    May God forgive my open and subtle pride.

    May He dress me in the proper dress of humility to the glory of His Name.

    May He teach me humility.

    Blessed day

  5. Thanks pastor for the wonderful message to us, indeed it’s one of its own kind, may God forgive our women , our men and everybody who might have tried to conform to how the outside world dresses against God’s will of modest dressing.

  6. Amen brother. Simply put, humility is to glorify God and its true when God is glorified, then we are lifted up. May it be so unto you brother.

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