1 Peter 5:1 – To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder and a witness of Christ’s sufferings who also will share in the glory to be revealed:
1 Peter 5:2 – Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve;
1 Peter 5:3 – not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.
1 Peter 5:4 – And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.
There are several lessons in this passage for Christian Bosses. A boss is used as synonym of any leader. Christian leaders are different from non-Christian leaders. Christian leaders are better than non-Christian bosses. Therefore, these are expectations of anyone who is a Christian boss anywhere at anytime and not just at church.
I appeal as a FELLOW elder!
When you are a Christian boss treat those below you as colleagues. Don’t treat them as subjects who must constantly pledge allegiance to you or prostrate before you when you appear. Be different and do not encourage your colleagues to behave as if they are worshipping you. Let them know without a doubt that you are together in the boat of service. Fellow leaders will cooperate with you, and you will achieve more if you are humble enough to realise you are colleagues in service.
As a witness of Christ’s suffering
When you are a Christian boss, have a personal experience with God that leads to your true conversion. Be a genuine Christian who acknowledges that this world is not our home. Have an experience of the faith you confess. This experience will influence the quality of your leadership and regularly remind you to avoid unchristian behavior.
God’s flock
When you are a Christian boss you treat people as God’s people. They are not your people. They belong to God. How you treat them and use them will determine how God deals with you. Handle them with care, they are God’s people!
You can’t scheme to short change God’s people, because you can’t fool God that you are acting innocently. You can’t threaten them to silence, because God will speak and act for them. They are God’s people, for your own welfare, handle them with care!
Not because you must but you are willing
When you are a Christian boss, you take up assignments enthusiastically. You do not go into any assignment complaining and murmuring. Christian leaders do not work reluctantly. Those in charge of you must find you passionate about your work even if you were forced to do it. That attitude will make you to stand out. Be passionate even if it is a demotion or a punitive assignment.
Matthew 5:41 – If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.
A Christian boss takes assignments with an attitude of going the second mile. If you are forced to do something, DO NOT DO THE BEAR MINIMUM, go beyond and do your best. A Christian leader is different and better!
Not pursuing dishonest gain
When you are a Christian boss, be a person of integrity. Do not steal from your employer. Do not steal from your organization. Do not create circumstances to make more money without an equal value to your organization. Any dishonest gain will not be enjoyable.
If you build a house with dishonest gain. If you buy a car with dishonest gain. If you spend dishonest gain. It will haunt you more than bless you. Dishonest gain is a cancer that chews your peace of mind. Avoid dishonest gain!
Not lording it over those entrusted to you
When you are a Christian boss, you avoid a bossy attitude. People should not tremble and be silenced by your presence. Do not make demands for the sake of exercising your authority. Avoid a bossy attitude!
Do not act busy if you are not. Do not expect from people around you what dehumanizes them. Be approachable. Do not overwork people under. Be considerate that they deserve rest. Be considerate that they have children who should not see them trembling before you. Be considerate that they have spouses who shouldn’t see them helpless before you. Be considerate of them!
Be an example to the flock
When you are a Christian boss, you set an example. Come early if you want them to come early. Take a pay cut if you want them to take a pay cut. Prioritize others if you want them to prioritize others. Work late with them if the situation demands. Such actions inspires those under you to do their best!
You will receive a crown of glory from God
When you are a Christian boss, your reward is not a promotion, recognition or higher pay. Your reward is from God at the end of time. Christian bosses do not target earthly rewards but God’s commendation. God will reward us better in this life and in the life to come eternal life. God’s reward is the best. Work for God in whatever secular or religious station you find yourself in. God will richly reward Christian bosses!
Be a Christian boss wherever you are serving. Do not announce that you are a Christian boss. Just be a Christian boss, in Jesus’s name, Amen!
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Amen may God help me to be a good Christian leader