“In the Song of Songs, the lady tells the boyfriend, if you were my brother, I would safely kiss you and it wouldn’t be an issue. The world is watching the church. Be careful how you handle each other so …
“Same question by different Bible writers, why do the wicked prosper? Why are Dictators living longer than good politicians? Murderers don’t seem to suffer cancer and die. They don’t get misfortune. Why?…Criminals are thriving, but why? They live in best …
“If you are in the streets of life looking for a marriage partner…If you are in the streets of life looking for good health. If you are in the streets of life looking for happiness…If you are in the streets …
“Are you weak, our majestic God can use you to do great things. Do you feel unqualified? God will do things through you that the qualified can’t do. In His majesty, our God takes care of our deficiencies so that …
“God silences His enemies using children. God wins against His enemies using the least expected means - infants. God will ultimately have His way. Nothing stops God from winning.”
“Yet our God wants to see us laughing. He wants us happy. He wants us rejoicing. He wants us smiling. He is pleased when we are happy. Isn’t this a better God? This is who our God is.”
“Start low. Start small. Start insignificantly. If that is all you got, start anyway. The start may be a shameful one because it is the opposite of the desired future, but start anyway. The future will be better than your …
“Don’t give up. No situation is permanent. Don’t kill yourself. No situation is permanent. Don’t quit. No situation is permanent. Keep trying the impossible will happen. No situation is permanent.”
“There is a time when fasting is appropriate and a time when it is out of place…If you feel guilty and uncomfortable when taking good food and drinks, there is a problem. If you feel like you are losing faith …