“Everyone who ever served God faithfully and in outstanding ways, had to abandon their own agenda and priorities and take up what God gave. Jeremiah had to abandon childhood and even marriage. Jonah had to abandon comfort and go where …
“An inward drive to achieve a goal is stronger when you keep your plans secret. The moment you announce your plans, the inward drive weakens or even dies. Secret of achievement is to only talk about results and not plans. …
“Jesus asks them, if with a very small meal I fed everyone and we even had many baskets of food remaining, are you still worried that we only have one loaf of bread? Did you miss the lesson that miracle …
“If you prayed before starting, why are you so afraid? If you know God has good plans for you, why are you so afraid? Is your situation unknown to God? Is God unable to help you? If you know God …
“Are you praying for something you think it’s too late to do anything about? Would it be safe therefore if Jesus said, let it be done as you believe? Are you praying for a patient to recover and you also …
“Worship organizers should be careful not to make people anxious. Unnecessarily long programs create anxiety. The sick need…Examine yourself and seek divine help. There is a serious spiritual problem if you anxiously want worship to end so that you go …
“From lonely to seeing someone…From staying with parents and guardians to my first own house, however small…From jobless to employed, a milestone. From one rank at work to another, a milestone…Traveling abroad is a milestone. Starting a business is a …
“When you face misfortune after misfortune in a way that can’t be explained- who do you consult? When you are worried about uncertainty of the future who do you consult? When you want to control a loved one or a …
“Conspiracy theories about a village witch killing successful people. Conspiracy theories about people who have taken the church hostage. Conspiracy theories about people planning to finish all Africans. Conspiracy theories about this or that…A conspiracy theory that doesn’t instill fear …